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I need update

is the game still in development?

any news?

where ip

SCP but animals? XD


Well, this turned out to be a way better experience that I expected, and my expectations were high. It has that F.E.A.R. feeling that I simply adore. Keep up the good work and have fun.


I just wanted to say me and my sister really loved playing this it was super fun and then we got together with the rest of our siblings and played. It was one of the most funnest times that we had together. Got some good spooks and scares. It seems it's been a while since the last update. Although we are hopeful this project continues we understand if it's something you are no longer working on. We just had so much fun with it and would like it to continue.


Oi, I have news: They are working on a second one I think, check the Discord if possible, you'll get more details there.
P.S: I couldn't agree more with you on the "This game is fun" part.


The best game i ever have played

(1 edit) (+1)

I really liked the spent time in this SCP universe. I think it would be a great deal in the youtube environment if there is more kinds of enemies and more ammo pls. the last cutscene was amazing like something from call of duty. and fury pic in the preview isn't a good presentation of how seriously made this game is.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

how to play with friends? someone please send me a guide on what to do

this game was really enjoyable.


i cant join my friends server

will you continue making games? ive enjoyed both copycat and swap.. i though you would make something like silent hill in swap.

I hope this project isn't dead, this is super neat and pretty dang freaky!

My mac won't let me open :(

Had the same problem, you could try sudo chmod -R 777. It worked for me, BUT chmod 777 is very very dangerous, mainly because it gives pretty much everyone file access. If anyone could get onto your computer, that means everyone has access to the file you selected with chmod 777.

My point is, chmod 777 if you don't care about your computer. If you do care about your computer uhh... hmm. Not sure about that.


can someone teach me how to play online? i'm having some trouble here

I believe it requires you to forward the ports mentioned when you click on multiplayer, I'll have a look into it soon I think.


Teach me how to use Mirror asset pls.



This game is about as great as this picture-GOLDEN


i miss this :( i used to play this with my friends every other day for about a month

what happened 



....that hit hard

same bro same...

Can I play this without people?

There's a "Solo" option yeah

Deleted 3 years ago

They always take a huge gap between updates. I'm sure it's sorta still alive


Is there a face I can shoot things in? I mag dumped the first beastie and it barely flinched. Rather, are there sweet spots/heads to shoot or is it best to aim center mass?

How do i play multiplayer i was trying to play with my sister but we couldn't figure it out


(1 edit)

Hi there! My friends and I tried your game on our YT channel
Hope you'll like it!

For the multiplayer we had to enable port forwarding and used the public IP  address of the hosting player. I don't remember if we used the IP:port formula or just the IP to connect. You should find the port in the lower left portion of the screen when hosting a multiplayer game


how do i make a multiplayer game? please make a step-by-step procedure

it seems that currently playing multiplayer online doesnt work yet, but you can use a VPN like Hamachi to have multiple people connect to a singular network, so basically connection through LAN instead of internet. this method seems to work perfectly fine, and it's relatively easy.

For the multiplayer we had to enable port forwarding and used the public IP  address of the hosting player. I don't remember if we used the IP:port formula or just the IP to connect. You should find the port in the lower left portion of the screen when hosting a multiplayer game
Hope this can help!

Hey there! I showcased your game on my list focusing on horror indie games! I hope ya like it!

where can i find ip

Deleted 1 year ago


are you still alive?





Does anyone know where the backup generator is?
It always says in the briefing mission that there is one and you can manually turn it on, But where is it???

in joe mama



Thank you for the new update!


Ugh... This is bs. This game looked SO cool that I actually decided to play with another friend of mine.. but NoOoo.. There's no local multiplayer so we can't play with one another, y really need to fix that

get hamachi for free

We both tried using Hamachi but we have no idea how it works, I made a wifi and we both connected but we still didn't understand why it wouldn't work

I can't say much more, it worked for me and my friends

Ig we could try it again, maybe I did something wrong

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey.. do you know if they've added in a drop button? Like.. have they added in a button that you can drop you items with?


When I played last time, no. I still had to be careful what I picked up just in case I needed something else.


Nvm! I figured it out, hold whatever you want to drop in your hand and press G ^^


Really? That's good to know.

how do u do multiplayer? where to find IP 

You both either have to be on the same wifi or connected via a vpn service like Hamachi. Then the host should share his/her IP. If you're on the same wifi, it's as simple as going into cmd and running 'ipconfig' and reading whatever number starts with '10.0.0.'

If you're using Hamachi(which is for if you two may not be close enough to use the same wifi, it's a downloadable application), then on the network you can just read the host's IP.

Then the host should start a multiplayer lobby, and if you don't seem to be able to connect it's worth trying to turn off the windows defender firewall temporarily as it sometimes blocks it.





update again...?

i realy like that game


How do you Join other players in multiplayer its very confusing

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